Four Clans, Tsimshian

The Tsimshian (English pronunciation: Sim-She-an) are an indigenous people of the Pacific Northwest Coast. Tsimshian translates to Inside the Skeena River. The Skeena River is the second largest river entirely in BC. The river and its basin sustain a wide variety of fish, wildlife, vegetation and communities native to the area. For hundreds of years these communities have lived comfortably within the resources of the river.

Like all Northwest Coastal peoples, they thrived on the abundant sea life, especially salmon as they swam up river to spawn each year.

The Tsimshian consists of four clans;

- Laxsgiik ( Eagle Clan)
- Gispwudwada (Killerwhale Clan)
- Ganhada (Raven Clan)
- Laxgibuu ( Wolf Clan)